
What is art?

What I have to say first is I have no talent for art. Seriously, my painting, singing, playing musical instalments are really awkward. Those must be evaluated at less than a cent. Why do I write about art? Visiting the art gallery in Christchurch gave me many awareness to what art is. I have also rights to express my opinion about art though I'm not a skilful painter.

In my opinion, art is the opposite concept of "nature". Nature is created not by human but invisible and unknown power like god. It obey the perfect and effective rules. I don't have a religion. However, when I am asked "who made this universe and its perfect rules?", my answer is "god." I don't have so much knowledge about science. As far as I know, god is the most persuadable answer for me. What we shouldn't forget is that human being has also been a part of the nature. Our ancestors had been obeying the rules of nature and have been existing as a part of it.

However, as they evolves to human being,  they have reached the stage of creator. We human generate a something new in this world by ourselves. I think this must be art. In this point of view, everything human made is worth to be called art. That is, it always stands by this question: what can human create? Arts include not only paintings or sculptures but also buildings or any products like car.

Interesting is that the criterion to evaluate art depends on people and age. Some people think more abstract painting. On the contrast, others prefer just watching cars collection. In Renaissance, paintings like a photograph tend to be highly evaluated, while more uniqueness or creativity have been praised nowadays.

Art can also be seen as challenge to overcome the limit of language. We usually assume we see this world completely but we don't. We just get to know the world only through languages. If we use different languages, we capture the world differently.  Art works, especially modern ones, cannot describe the words because those are beyond the language. What we have to do is just to watch those and fell something unknown.

To sum up, art works are all artificial things. It depends on people which kind of art is fascinating or worth to pay. The most important is that we enjoy it as it is. If you feel something unknown, that is the one the artists want to tell you.

Below are pictures taken in gallery in Christchurch. Those are totally unknown for me.

Don't think, feel!

The beard made of bubble - unique!

Seriously, what's this?

Everybody Has Inferential Racism

I don't know how to describe what I want to express. I suppose Mild Racism make sense to you. I define it as below: the action resulted in racism despite the person don't recognise it as racism. I think, in fact, this is a nature of human being. something unknown makes us feel scared all the time.

It is true that racism is one of the most hottest words nowadays. as the populisms prevail worldwide, racism are rising and racists who didn't appear before insist strongly their superiority and hate other races in public. in the liberal perspective, it is absolutely incorrect. people are all equal and a race doesn't mean people's superiority or inferiority. I am completely for this idea. people are treated equally and racial stereotypes shouldn't be permitted. We human beings are all human beings.

Although most people agree with this thoughts, it doesn't mean whether they obey their believes or not. Actually, almost all people might have racism in their mind. Let me take an example of my experience. In the university-organised trip, people there don't know each other originally. After a couple of minutes passed, someone talked to the other and the others do the same thing. At this time, people always talk to same race people. The percentage is almost a hundred. I've never seen people talking to different racial people first.

What we can understand from this example is that people clearly discriminate their own race from other races. If they had purely equal point of view to races, they wouldn't act like that. Most of them understand what they should in that of liberal mind. However, people, even university students who soak themselves in the liberal dominant field, don't act according to their believes. The fear for unknown or difference is quite strong.

To be honest, it is very hard to regard different things as same. Human beings have some physical particular or colour of skin, eyes and hair. We look different from race to race. That is a fact. If we try to understand the commonness of human beings, it is necessary to throw your emotion away and see the world logically. This is advanced stage of thinking. Not all of us can do it.

I think racism will exist until people overcome the fear. Liberal just insists racism is bad thing because it's bad. There are people who don't understand the insistence of liberal. Then, they urge racism strongly. In addition, intelligence or media are on behalf of liberal. That makes racists more extreme. Interestingly, racism is more stronger in the country liberalism lead. For example, the US, UK and France. As the liberal dominate a country, people who are against or can't understand the liberalism thoughts get more and more extreme.

Social network service also promote the tendency by making the platform to unit the racists. Also, they can elicit only their favour information from SNS. They spend lots of time  not to understand the oppose idea but to prove their insists.

Mild racism may not hurt anybody but that is a origin of racism. Almost everybody has it. We need to know we have it not to become a racist. When you consider racism, this kind point of view, I think, is necessary.  The worst thing is just criticising them that they are not educated and extreme. If you want persuade them, you need to be rational and logical enough to correct their misunderstanding. If you just say discrimination or racism are bad, they will never be persuaded. I still believe everyone can see other race people as same human beings though their looks are different from them.