
Road to an English Master

I noticed my English got better than one of first day in Wellington. I don't suppose I speak so much in daily lives and classes.  In a brief conversation, it became unnecessary to translate English into Japanese.

It is very lucky that I don't have any Japanese friend here because it helps me to speak less Japanese. Seeing Chinese students, I guess their situations are still tougher than that of me. They always have talks with other Chinese students. Obviously, that's not their fault at all. In fact, a friend of mine, who is Chinese made up his mind not to talk to other Chinese. Oh, jeez, it's too much. He said: " I came here to study English, not Chinese." His attitude toward other Chinese is very cold and harsh.  Also, he never speak Chinese even if the opponent is native Chinese speaker.

Anyway, my decision can be right. Making more friend and polishing my English are the next objectives. it might be difficult if I don't talk to them from me, so why not talk from me? 

I strongly recommend to choose NZ Japanese who wanna go abroad to learn English and haven't decided where you go. People are basically nice and you will have had a good time here. One thing: don't participate language program of your university. It is a waste of your money and time. You cannot learn English in the surrounding with Japanese.


Off Life in NZ


Those pictures taken on last Sunday describe the life in Wellington, which is the capital city of NZ. The garden in those pictures was made only for one day. It is adequate rest on weekdays and weekends that enable them to do such a hard work throughout a day.

They usually came back home at till 6 pm. Then, eating dinner with and staying their family, they go to bed at around 9 pm.

Wellington is a absolutely beautiful city with lots of green and place to chill out. City is really compact and living area, usually on hills, is quiet. Each house has a large garden which allow you to do lots of things.


It is often said that it is nonsense to spend almost all time to work but it is the time to alternate workers' mind in Japan.

In the future, the skill or ability required to a human resource is not tolerance for an extreme working time but creativity, which generate something new. It appears only when their daily lives are rich and satisfy them. Pursuing a Quality of Life might contribute to the Japanese economy. At least, I hope so haha.


Thinking in English 英語脳?

When speaking English, I always think about everything in Japanese first. Because of this, my responses to others are quite slow and sometimes take long purses in the middle of conversations. In addition, I have replied in Japanese to my friend who doesn't speak it, though it made me and him/her so funny.

This became a topic of dinner table talk. My sister in NZ, who is from Netherland but speak English like a native speaker, said she has a reverse situation, that is, she have often uttered English words when she was not supposed to speak her own language. In this point of view, it is possible to say if I want to speak as she does, I need to think in English.

But how? Am I able to get an English brain? Considering for a while after dinner, I found three solutions. One is to give images to each word. For example, as for the word "accompany", I draw a picture of a person accompanied by a dog and attached the sentence "a dog accompanies a person". This would be helpful to shorten the time of translating English into Japanese.

Second resolution is looking up by English-English dictionary words I've seen but don't know the meaning exactly. This is for overcoming the limit of understanding of English in Japanese. Although I 100% agree with the effectiveness of using an English-English dictionary, it takes a lot of time to look up. Therefore, I am going to use it occasionally. The main dictionary is English - Japanese one but in order to search words with a lot of definition or vague meanings for me, English - English one is better, I guess.

Finally, having more chances to think in English must be helpful to acquire the English thinking. For example, saying something to myself would be effective as the editor of Japan Times said. An on-the-spot broadcasting is also expected to improve my English circulation in my mind. 

If I became a fluent speaker, it would be super cool but I can't unfortunately. I don't expect myself to be native but try to get as close to native speakers as possible. I have heard from an article that what is essential to master a language is to set a goal of learning. Therefore, I will aimed to become an international journalist.



留学中の挫折 setback in studying in English










ニュージーランド必需品 ー SNAPPER

今回は"SNAPPER"という便利な交通ICカードについて(English is below)










It's about SNAPPER, which is a integrated circuit card (ICC) for transportation. This is very convenient, so you must have it in NZ.

Kiwis mainly use this ICC to take a bus. In addition to it, it can be used to pay fee for taxis and for some shops.  At the time to using it, what you have to do is charging and touching to specific device. To top up SNAPPER, you just go to SNAPPER-dealing retailers and give cash to them. Through using it, you can also get 20% discount! You should have it during your stay in NZ.

You can find the retailers here.

It is possible to buy this card on the Internet.

or some retailers which is listed on this site.

note: The bus stop name is hard to find (reference ) and the fee system is complex for you, especially tourists. If you spend so much time to pay, all passengers would look at you with a steady gaze haha. I hope this information is helpful for you and you have a good time in NZ.


The First Week 最初の1週間 

 From Mt Cook Outlook - you can enjoy city life and nature
This is the first time to write this blog. I got to feel a lot of things worth to write here. Why am I staying in New Zealand? That is because failing to get enough English score, I could not go to Australia for studying. Now, I am sure that I will say it was lucky to come to NZ to study journalism. Before coming to NZ, I didn't know NZ is the 13th country in the ranking of media freedom (Japan's rank is 72nd), Kiwis are so friendly, and nature is awesome. This country is one of the best places, I noticed at the first class, to learn Journalism. Also, people try to co-live with lots of green and are quite proud of it. I understood easily the reason why Wellington is called "coolest little capital in the world". I only have visited Wellington but it is certain that NZ is much better than I expected.

From my home-staying place
I found New Zealand within the first week as below. My host mother tries to correct my English and it is very helpful. A baby sitter in my place is also nice and works hard for this family. I cannot help thinking I must support her with doing some housework. Kids are powerful, active and cute. They are so powerful that it's tough to play with. So far, so good. However, what I have to remember is that essential for better stay are my efforts to get wonderful experience or a plenty of knowledge and understanding of Journalism.


今回初めてこのブログを書きます。 NZに来た理由は英語の点数が足りなくてオーストラリアに行けなかったからです。色々な人にオーストラリアに行くと宣言していたのでかなり恥ずかしかったですが、仕方ないです。今ではNZでよかったと留学が終わった後に思うことができると確信しています。そう思いたいだけかもしれませんが。ジャーナリズムを勉強したかったので世界で13番目(2016年は5位)に自由なメディアと評されるNZは勉強面では全く申し分ないと思いますし、何よりも街がコンパクトで生活しやすい!人も優しいので私のような海外ビギナーにはかなりおすすめの国です。私が滞在している首都Wellingtonはcoolest little capital in the worldと称されていますが、来ればすぐに理由がわかります。本当に小さいんです。その割にいいバーや映画館、ファッション、レストランなどが充実しているので長期滞在するには最適な環境だと思います。

ホームステイをしていますが、ホストファミリーはみんな優しいです。特にルールはなく、よく聞く「シャワー10分ルール」や「ご飯は別々に食べるルール」はこの家では適用されていません(笑)ご夫婦と子供たち、そしてau pair というベビーシッターをしながら語学を学ぶ制度を利用している女の子と一緒に生活しています。思っていたより快適な生活が待っていました。きゅうくつな思いをしたことはありません。同じ学校に通う他のホームステイ利用者にも話を聞きましたが、同じような意見で全員がホストファミリーに満足していました。本当にKiwi(現地人を指す言葉)は人当たりがよく、いい人が多いです(全員ではありませんのでご注意を)。最初の一週間は期待に胸膨らむものでした。これから大変なことあると思いますが。